I am soil, I am land.

My eyes the colour of the sea,

my skin the colour of the earth,

I am a savage.

A garden of lost souls caught in their trap,

I am unworthy of their mercy,

I am a leftover .

“Savage” they yell, with their white gleaming skin.

They tear me inside, I am unworthy to be among them,

my skin is different from theirs,

our eyes are different, we never seem to see the same view.

I am soil, they are sand,

I am land they are the sky.

I never thought myself as a foreigner for I kept my land as home.

My mother is earth, my father above,

and still, we seem estranged from each other.

We are not from the same roots,

I am still a savage to the white man,

a coloured fossil,

Yet I still stand

with the wind in my back,

I will not crumble,

I must remain to march, as our journey continues

I am soil, I am land.


– Art and poetry © Odelia Rozenfeld

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